Integrative Medicine

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  • Integrative Medicine

"A human being is a sum total of the body, mind, emotions and impressions. If we can take an integrative approach to treatment, we can experience more powerful and lasting cure to diseases plaguing man"- Ishan Shivanand.

  • Lifestyle modification Nutrition/Diet
    Yoga/Breathing techniques
  • Meditation Mindfulness
    Stress Relief & Relaxation
  • Pharmacy Oral Medications
    Insulin & non-insulin injections
    Natural Treatment(herbal, non-herbal) & micronutrients
    Dietary supplements
  • Integrative Cosmic Therapy .

We provide excellent compassionate complete patient care through addition of integrative medicine to traditional allopathic practices.

Lifestyle management workshops will be organized weekly at the clinic

Yoga & Breathing exercises

Personalized diet regimens

AVS Mindfulness & relaxation techniques

Very effective for

Immediate Stress relief & relaxation

Improving focus & concentration

Management of sleep disorders & Insomnia

Relief of anxiety & depression

Please contact us at 817-310-8881 or at for further information and registration.

  •  Integrative cosmic therapy detoxifies the human being at the physical as well as subtle body levels raising the frequency of the whole human being, thus causing complete cure.
  • In this process the doctor, the medicine, and the patient play equally important roles.
  • A doctor whose body is at a very high frequency helps to transfer positive healing energy to the patient.
  • By using positive words and powerful affirmations(mindfulness meditation) the doctor creates hope, confidence and positive attitude which facilitates greater than 50% of the healing process. Rest of the healing happens through diet, exercises(kriyas) and medications.
  • The doctor teaches the patients certain yogic practices called SOOKSHMA KRIYAS and PRANA KRIYAS(breathing exercises) which creates self-confidence that help to strengthen the patient’s physical and subtle bodies while detoxifying them at deep levels.
  • Mindfulness meditation helps the patient to de-stress, detoxify and detach from the disease.
  • Yogic kriyas and meditation enhance the patient’s own immune system and mechanisms to start secreting certain powerful hormones and healing substances that help the patient to rejuvenate.
  • The patient continues to receive regular medical treatment, but also practices the kriyas and the meditation learnt from the doctor to achieve complete or wholesome cure.
  • Further, the doctor helps the patient adopt a healthy diet containing high vibrational frequency foods that support the healing process.